Morten Nygaard Jørgensen
About Me
Photographer based in Copenhagen
Similar photo art
Running in sunset, at the Red Gate
From Vestamager, Ørestad
The Moment
You tell me?
Beautiful Julia in the studio
Beautiful Sarah in the studio
Beautiful Tenna in the studio
Beautiful Tenna in the studio
Beautiful Tenna in the studio
Geisha's in Kyoto
Dobbelt exporsure from geisa district Gion in Kyoto.
Modern Tokyo Sakura
Dobbelt exposure taken in Tokyo with a young couple and Sakura Tree
Den sidste båd
De sidste turister venter på at komme ombord på det gode skib 'Ertholmene' for at blive sejlet tilbage til Gudhjem efter en dags besøg på Ertholmene uden for Bornholm.
The future is now
This image 'The future is now' is part of a series I created named 'Space explorers' . In my 'Space explorers' series my main focus is on the female astronaut/space explorer. Fun fact : As of march 30, 2022, of the 572 total space travellers, 75 have been women, that's just around 10 %.
Future Explorer
This image 'Future Explorer' is part of a Space series 'Space Explorers' i've been working on for the past 3 years. female astronauts/Space Explorers are my main focus in this series.
Coming from: Out there
Bandholm train tracks crossing the forest "Merritskov", Knuthenborg
Songwriting in the orange sun
I wanted to photograph how it feels to be a songwriter in the songwriting process. Jes on the picture is actually a succesfull songwriter.
Street photography from Paris
Cuban boxing boy
Street photography from Cuba
Patria o Muerte - Fædreland eller Død
Street photography from Cuba.
Look Out!
Street photography from Cuba
Christian Ohlendorff Knudsen, is among the last 100 candidates for a single ticket to Mars and is considered among the favorites for the final race for seats. Recordings in Lynge Gravel Pit.
Walking the line
so many feelings can be put into this image, according to where you are in your life.
Lovely blossoming poppies in Denmark.
Space battle down town
This image 'Space battle down town' is part of a Space Photo series i've been working on for the last 3 years. The location in the image is in Copenhagen.
Sharing oxygen
This image 'Sharing oxygen' is part of my space series 'Spacetravellers' i've been working on for the last 3 years.
Sharing oxygen
This image 'Sharing oxygen' is part of a spaceseries i've been working on for the past 3 years. You can buy this image in black and white and in color. The one in color has the same title as the one in b/h.
The Voyage
Når verden larmer, og vi har hundrede ting vi skal nå, er det svært at give os selv lov til at stoppe op og tænke over, hvor vi gerne vil hen. Bare det at give hovedet fred, så tankerne kan vandre, kan være en udfordring, når vi bombarderes med indtryk hele tiden. Vi har brug for at mærke efter aller inderst - helt derinde hvor der måske ikke altid er sjovt at være. Ofte kommer kreativiteten og de store følelser nemlig samme sted fra. Så får vi først fat i de dybe følelser, dem der måske gør lidt ondt, så kan vi begynde at overføre dem til vores hverdag og fremtid. Så vi skal mentalt ud på tømmerflåden og spejde ud over vores indre hav af følelser. Og gør vi det i bare 10 minutter et par gange om ugen, så skal der nok begynde at danne sig nogle tanker, der kan bruges til at finde formål og retning i vores liv. “Voyage = a long yourney involving travel by sea or in space”
Pollarded willow trees alongside a former railway track near Malmø, Sweden. Now a recreative trail (named “Tygelsjöstigen”) for walking, running and biking people. The railway track was established between the towns Malmø and Trelleborg and existed from 1885 until 1971.
Danish Viking warrior
Metal figure of a Danish Viking warrior, which I noticed when I visited a smokehouse on Bornholm, Nexø. It was located on the roof of the building.
The lone fisherman
Met this guy at the beach next to a lighthouse, fishing for the relaxation purpose.
San Francisco
This picture from a solo travel to the U.S. An old man doing grocery shopping and waiting on the bus. I would like to know his story, which I unfortunately didn't get. Where is he going and where is he coming from? What do you think?
A girl and her shadow
A girl and her shadow
Hanging by strings
Paraglider in Denmark hanging near Rubjerg Knude Lighthouse