Martin Kronika
About Me
My name is Martin Kronika and I'm landscape and travel photographer based in Opava, Czech Republic. My passion is exploring and photographing Nature in its various forms. In my photos, I present an expression of my mood and the atmosphere of the places visited during my travels.
Web: martin.kronika.one
Similar photo art

The photo was taken from Marienlyst Castle beyond Helsingør and Øresund

Venice Gondolas
Venetian gondolas at nighttime at St. Mark's Square

Lisabon Tram II
Street scene with yellow tram from Lisabon, Portugal

Venice Gondolas - Color
A line of Venetian gondolas at St. Mark's Square, Venice, Italy

Speicherstadt - Color
Night view on Speicherstadt, Hamburg, Germany

Speicherstadt - B&W
Black and white version of Speicherstadt, Hamburg, Germany

Sunset at Copenhagen Harbour
Sunset from Knippelsbro, with two persons waiting for the Harbour Bus

Bahnhof Berlin Alexanderplatz
Berlin in the fog by the trainstation with Berliner Fernsehturm in the background reaching into the fog

Down memory lane
An abandon Doubledecker bus in a junkyard, telling its stories

Fog over Frederiksberg
Fog over Frederiksberg seen from Nørre Søgade

Top of Søpavillionen in Copenhagen
Tower of Søpavillionen in Copenhagen

Rainy street
Rainy street of Copenhagen

Street of Copenhagen

Yellow Beetle
Close-up on a yellow VW Beetle

Vester Voldgade
Sunset over Vester Voldgade, Copenhagen

Nyhavn by Night
Evening in Nyhavn, Copenhagen with walking People. The French embassy in the background.

Dragør Havn
A late windy autumn day, at Dragør Old Habour. With Flag and the old "Lodstårnet".

Hamburg Sunset
Sunset in Hamburg, Speicherstadt

Fog over the lakes
Fog over the lakes in Copenhagen

Sct Peders Street, Copenhagen
nighttime on Sct Peders Street, Copenhagen

foggy street color

foggy stree black n white
foggy stree black n white

Under the bridge
Under the bridge Langebro in Copenhagen

Dronning Louises Bro
Dronning louises bro og Nørrebrogade

Sct Markus Church
top of Sct Markus Church seen from far away with the sun setting behind

London Eye In Sight
From a trip to London back in 2019. It was a sunny chill October day, and i where walking down a sideroad towards river Thames. I had to take a picture! It was quite wierd to be able to stand in the middle of the road in downtown London, to take a picture, it was almost surreal! The picture is taken on Ilford HP5+ black and white film

Moulin Rouge
Finart watercolor sketch of Moulin Rouge in Paris

The Dark Side Of A Man
From a trip to London back in 2019. It was the last day, and we just wandered around in Westminster to waste some time. We got to this corner with the brightest light and hard shadows, so i began the wait. After a long wait, this guy walked by, and i pressed the shutter! The picture is taken on Ilford HP5+ Black and White Film

Flatiron Building
Busy Broadway near Flatiron Building on Manhattan, New York

Millennium Bridge
Millennium Bridge in London with St. Paul's Cathedral in the background

West 33rd Street
Street sign in New York City

Brooklyn Bridge
A view down Brooklyn Bridge, New York City

Le Mont-Saint-Michel
Le Mont-Saint-Michel in Normandy, France

Lisabon Tram II
Street scene with yellow tram from Lisabon, Portugal

Love Locks
Lovers padlocks on the Pont des Arts in Paris, France

Aarhus Å by night
Aarhus Å during blue hour, a very early morning going home from work.

Denkmal - Berlin
Holocaust Memorial in Berlin - also known as "Denkmal für die ermordeten Juden Europas"

Knippelsbro is a bridge located in Copenhagen, Denmark. It has this beautiful tower which i captured on an early morning while taking photos in a nearby location

Langebro fanget lige før solnedgang

Old VW Samba
Old VW seen in the wild


Nyhavn sunset

The Lonely Tower
The Berlin TV tower seen from another perspective, which brings it down to us

Bridge by Night
View of the San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge at sunset. I captured this image while on a photography and cycling trip to San Francisco. On the trip, I was really inspired by the beauty and engineering achievement of the bridge. I ended up taking pictures of the bridge from every conceivable vantage point and time of day and night. This ended up being my favorite night image from the trip.

Bar Harbor, Maine
Bar Harbor, Maine. An item on my bucket list was to experience the Fall colors in New England by motorcycle. Well, you only live once, so my wife and I flew to Vermont, rented a motorcycle, and rode to Acadia National Park in Maine during the Fall Colors. Bar Harbor is a very cool coastal town within Acadia National park. To capture this image, I went out in the cold well before sunrise, and before the streets became crowded with tourists. It is one of my favorite images, and moments from the trip.

The Olive tree
Inspired by the view

Golden ligth
Inspired by the colors

Misty Lights in the City
On a Misty Night in a backyard in Copenhagen creating a smooth Pink Light

The Aalborg harbor
The harbor in a early morning with the mist. It gives a sense of mystery.

Nightview of Aalborg
Picture taken from the other side of the river of the new part of the city. The picture includes amazing light and modern architecture.

Bridge Tower in Aalborg
The tower on top of the bridge in Aalborg

Basket at sunset
Basketball hoop at the sunset

Løkken Beach-houses
The small beach houses at Løkken Beach, in sunset

Fisherboats at Løkken
Fisherboats at the Beach of Løkken. The boats are dragged on to the beach after every trip.

Town Square Metro Station
Town Square Metro Station in Copenhagen, Denmark

The corridors of the Parliament
The corridors around the riding area in the Parliament of Denmark, Christiansborg.

New York
New York taxi

New York Skyscrapers
New York Skyscrapers, view to the east, from the Empire State Building

Svendborgsundbroen er en bjælkebro mellem Svendborg på Sydfyn og Vindeby på Tåsinge, som blev opført 1963-66 og indviet den 18. november 1966 af tronfølgeren, prinsesse Margrethe. Broen er 1.225 m lang, og gennemsejlingshøjden er 33 m.

Waiting for movie
A journey through the United States in 2018 with a stop in New York

Iron building
A journey through the United States in 2018 with a stop in New York

Kerteminde By
Kerteminde er en by og tidligere købstad på Østfyn med 5.898 indbyggere, beliggende 21 km nordvest for Nyborg og 19 km nordøst for Odense. Kerteminde er kommunesæde i Kerteminde Kommune og ligger i Region Syddanmark.

Midtbyens tage og tårne
Udsigt over midtbyens tage og tårne. Sankt Knuds Kirke, Odense Domkirke og Rådhuset.

Byens Bro
Byens Bro er en bro i Odense for cyklister og fodgængere over jernbaneterrænet ved Odense Banegård. Den åbnede den 29. maj 2015. Den 135 meter lange bro strækker sig fra VUC i Kottesgade til Østre Stationsvej og løber over 15 jernbanespor.

Badehuse i Ærøskøbing
Badehuse ved Vestre Strandvej i Ærøskøbing.

Langelandsbroen, som er 774 m lang og 15.35 m bred, er projekteret af Anker Engelund. Det længste spand er 91 m, og den maksimale gennemsejlingshøjde er 26 m.

Æbleø ligger i Kattegat ca. 4 km nord for Fyn. Selve øen er 2,09 km². Syd for Æbleø ligger draget Brådet og småøerne Æbeløholm, Dræet og Ejlinge. Æbleø har en meget speciel geologi. Bl.a. findes lag af plastisk ler afsat i Palæocæn, der gør, at jordlagene nemt glider fra hinanden.

Stony pattern
Patterns of civilisation in three-dimensional aspect

Abandoned Metro Station
When COVID-19 hit Denmark many busy parts of the city laid abanoned and quiet. Here we have Rådhuspladsen / City Hall Square which is rarely seen like this.

Contrasting Containers
Construction´containers on building ground in Noblessner, Tallinn, Estonia. Nikon D3200. Edit in Photoshop and Lightroom.

Urban life
Rough translation, "Here I give the finger to the man". About being caught in the endless loop of work.

Test Red
Test red

Streets of Copenhagen
Streets of Copenhagen

Old VS New
Old VS New Copenhagen

Seattle Birds
Two hungry birds waiting for a snack by the pier, Downtown Seattle.

Prag i December med julelys på træerne

Brooklyn Bridge
A classic yellow cab crossing Brooklyn Bridge, with the New York City skyline in the background.

Be a dreamer
Be a dreamer, stay a dreamer. It's important to stay true to yourself. Own it.

Vintage Car
Found this old vintage car parked outside Louisiana Museum of Modern Arts (DEN). Even though the goal of the trip was to look and take pictures of the artwork in the garden of the museum, this old Austin A40 Somerset stole the show!

By the canal in Copenhagen
I went for a walk and spotted these old shoes in a tree by the canal in the middle of Copenhagen. This photo brings out a sense of nostalgia or maybe it's just me?

This picture was taken out of a window at the National Gallery of Denmark (Statens Museum for Kunst). I couldn't resist trying to capture the beautiful sign og spring in the middle of the city. I hope you enjoy the blooming tree and the iconic towers of Copenhagen in the background.

Yellow taxi cabs
Have you been there? In New York City? I visited in 2012 and Times Square completely blew my mind. It was a mix of people rushing around, tourist standing completely still with big eyes and cameras, surrounded by giant billboards and yellow taxi cabs.

Misty Morning at Le Mont-Saint-Michel
Le Mont-Saint-Michel in Normandy, France seen through the morning mist at sunrise

Sunset at Le Mont-Saint-Michel
Sunset at Le Mont-Saint-Michel in Normandy, France as seen from the mainland. The water is rising as the tide comes in.

Amager Strandpark
Sunset at Amager Strandpark

Abstract city walk
Walking down the streets of Copenhagen during a busy evening just observing people's movements as a group of happy and loud people came walking by. For me it was perfect timing for a creative moment.

Moroccan door
A beautiful classic moroccan moorish door with beautiful light blue summer colors

Fast road
Fast driving cars on a highway. It suits any living room.

Blue mist
A misty vibe during a foggy evening in Frederiksberg.

Railway station in the middle of the night
I was going to pick up someone who arrived in town in the middle of the night, found the sight from a bridge above the railway.

Winter mood
Woke on a april morning and saw this, out my window. It was a splitsecond. A few hours later, the snow was gone.

Copenhagen harbor
Remember to enjoy the beautiful harbor in Copenhagen, of you get the chance.

En sensommeraften, Fredrikshavn, Marina. Fine art by Liwe A late summer evening, Fredrikshavn, Marina. Fine art by Liwe

Bølgen I Vejle
The Wave (Bølgen) in Vejle Denmark. Designed by. Jørn Utzon First 2 waves made 2009. All 5 finished in 2018.

Memory Lane
Take a stroll down memory lane in Copenhagen.

Magical street lamp
Enjoy this beautiful magical street lamp in the middle of Copenhagen.

stairs, at a new train station

Sunny day
Taken in Odense in June 2022.

Street of NY
I love lines, vintage and B&W, I think this picture have it all Please enjoy

Café by night
Late night walk I saw this cozy café and I could not help but take this photo

Greek pickup
I walked through the streets of Thessaloniki when I saw this nice looking pickup. The pickups bed was covered in doves, so I though it would be a nice picture. The second I took the photo a woman behind me dropped her bag. The sound startled the doves and I was left with a beautiful picture, that was completely unintentional.